The process of transporting waste from Waste Producers to disposal or recycling facilities is at least as important as the handling of waste. It is the phase where the joint responsibility begins.


The considerations during the transportation of waste can be divided into 4 main categories.



1. Certificates of Authority for Vehicles and Drivers (ADR):

Waste Producers are also liable for the transportation of waste that does not comply with the relevant laws and regulations and for any environmental pollution or environmental penalty due to the unsuitability of the vehicle for waste transportation.



2. High Coverage Transportation Insurance

High coverage insurance policies are required for any environmental incident or environmental pollution, any accident caused by the irresponsibility of the waste transportation company, any soil contamination due to accidents, and any damages caused by the cleanup of contaminated soil.



3. Is the Company to Which the Waste is Sent Responsible for the Vehicles or Are the Vehicles Independent?

In the event that the company to transport your waste is not owned by the Waste Reception Facility, the Waste Producer and the Transportation Company shall be liable for any environmental incident. The Waste Reception Facility shall have no liability (as the waste is not delivered). Therefore, it is always safer to work with Waste Reception Facilities that have their own waste transportation vehicles. 


4. Waste Collection Period, Planning and Reporting

Another important issue is to follow the plan for sending the waste. Vehicles must arrive at your facility on time, empty the landfill, and notify you when the waste is delivered to the Authorized Facility.

Any RDF produced is analyzed to ensure the continuous delivery of quality RDF to Cement Plants.



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